Toi exhibitions

Toi te mana, toi te whenua, toi ngā mahi toi, toi te tangata

Toi Māori is the foundation of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

Our very first tauira trained in the disciplines of Whakairo, Raranga and Kōwhaiwhai. Under the guidance of master carvers, weavers and artists, they helped to build a beautiful marae with the skills they had developed.

2022 Toi exhibitions

Take in the creativity and excellence of toi Māori and see how the traditions and techniques of our ancestors are used to tell the stories of today. Featuring artwork from the students, graduates, and tutors of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

What is Toi Māori

Māori and indigenous art is experiencing a surge of interest worldwide. Many recognise and appreciate the connections and stories told of unique cultures, their people and of the land.

Our kaiako and tauira feel strongly connected to the visual language of their tūpuna, producing beautiful mahi toi that speak to their own time, their own places of belonging and the future of the artforms.

Toi exhibitions are an exciting opportunity for our tauira to showcase their artwork and for the public to see what is being created by up-and coming artists.

Some of our toi exhibitions provide you with the opportunity to buy artworks at a very reasonable price.

Contact us

Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

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