Toi Paematua - Diploma in Māori & Indigenous Art - Carving

  • Level 5
  • 38 weeks - full-time
  • Fees apply

Programme overview:

Continue your artistic path with whakairo. Explore in more depth the skills, tikanga and practices of carving.

Our diploma-level Whakairo programme focuses on developing carvers who are responsible kaitiaki of their kaupapa toi, who understand how to apply appropriate tikanga and kawa to their practice. You'll learn about the origins, meaning and symbolism of patterns, the technical skills of whakairo, and complete different projects throughout the year.

When you pass this programme, you'll get this qualification:

  • New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi Level 5 (Whakairo)

You'll learn about:

  • media practices
  • creative processes - ways to make work
  • time and project management
  • other toi practitioners
  • rangahau (research)
  • history, tikanga and cultural practices relating to whakairo

You'll be able to:

  • apply technical, theoretical and operational skills and knowledge in area of specialty to inform art form development
  • analyse standard and non-standard processes of artistic evolution and variation, and apply to art form practice in area of specialty
  • apply a range of technical skills and knowledge to create solutions for a range of familiar and unfamiliar Ngā Toi problems in area of specialty
  • create and complete a body of work within area of specialty
  • assist in the management and/or support the leadership of a Ngā Toi project in area of specialty

This qualification is intended for practitioners seeking to broaden operational, technical and theoretical knowledge, consistent with tikanga and reo in Whakairo.

Graduates of this qualification will contribute to New Zealand as self-managing practitioners of Ngā Toi within defined contexts able to complete projects, and assist in the management, leadership, and kaitiakitanga of Ngā Toi.


How you'll study:

This is a full-time programme that consists of 120 credits delivered over 38 weeks. Some of our locations offer different delivery modes. These will be confirmed by your local campus and might include:

Option 1 Face to face delivery

  • kura whakaako - compulsory tutorials (10 hours per week)
  • 4 x 1-day wānanga (10 hours each)

You'll also need to complete learning activities designed to enhance your learning for approximately:

  • 22 hours per week

Option 2 Noho delivery

  • 10 x noho (25 hours per noho)
  • 1-day wānanga (10 hours)
  • kura whakaako - compulsory tutorials (4 hours per week)

You'll also need to complete learning activities designed to enhance your learning for approximately:

  • 22 hours per week

As some of the learning activities will need to be completed online, you'll need to have access to an internet-connected device.

Entry criteria:

To enrol in this programme, a potential student must:

  • be at least 16 years of age
  • be a New Zealand citizen or resident (or citizen of Australia, Tokelau, Niue or the Cook Islands)
  • reside in New Zealand
  • have successfully completed Kāwai Raupapa Level 4, or an equivalent Level 4 Ngā Toi qualification of at least 120 credits, or a portfolio showing evidence of equivalent experience
  • attend an interview and selection process to demonstrate suitability to the programme

Where will this take me?

I want to keep studying

You’ll be able to apply to enrol on our whakairo degree programme Maunga Kura Toi - Bachelor of Māori Art (Whakairo).

I want to use my qualification

With skills at this level you can be a practising artist, work in community arts or support whānau, iwi and marae projects.

Completion of Toi Paematua is a pathway into year 2 of Maunga Kura Toi (Whakairo).

Fee detail:

The 2024 fees for this Diploma are:

  • $1,784 GST inclusive.

Are you eligible for fees-free study?

First-time tertiary students studying fee paying programmes may be able to study fee free in their last year. To find out whether you are eligible for fees-free study for our fee paying programmes visit:

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Kōnae Ako (Learning Modules):

Toi Awe - Creative Process | 30 Credits

Apply broad knowledge, practical and conceptual skills in the production of creative work. 

Toi Iro - Exploration | 30 Credits

Analyse own and others’ artistic evolution and variation, applying insights to creative work.

Toi Raupapa - Organisation | 30 Credits

Assist in the management, creation and completion of a toi project.

Toi Hanga - Creation | 30 Credits

Create and complete creative work in a chosen Kaupapa Toi.

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