Te Rōnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi

  • Level 5
  • 40 weeks - full-time
  • No fees

Programme overview:

Do you want to make a meaningful commitment to your Māori language development? Go well past the basics and focus on your grammar and conversational ability.

Start to learn about regional variations of language and how you'll understand different dialects. Continue in our fun and inclusive learning environment, and make te reo Māori a language you can confidently function in from day to day.

Arohatia te reo!

When you pass this programme, you'll get this qualification:

  • Te Pōkairua Reo (Rumaki) Kaupae 5 - New Zealand Diploma in Te Reo (Rumaki) Level 5

You'll learn about:

  • intermediate level conversational te reo Māori
  • asking and answering questions
  • comparing and contrasting
  • kīwaha and whakataukī
  • passive and stative sentence structures

You'll be able to:

  • use te reo Māori vocabulary, grammatical structures, and technical skills at an advanced level, and undertake an analysis of alternative perspectives, as an expression of mana tangata
  • use advanced language and expressions in te reo Māori to show a broad understanding of their connections to the land and the environment, prominent places, people, histories and stories, and
  • local proverbs and colloquial sayings, as an expression of mana whenua
  • apply advanced-level reo Māori and technical skills to use te reo creatively with detail in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, as an expression of mana reo
  • demonstrate observance of tikanga to independently lead tasks and guide people in a range of prescribed, and some unfamiliar contexts, as an expression of mana ao tūroa
  • use broad theoretical and technical knowledge to research a topic of interest relating to te reo, ōna tikanga me ōna āhuatanga


This qualification is intended for emerging speakers of te reo who have an advanced understanding, and ability in the use of, te reo kia tika, kia rere, kia Māori. It is also intended for those who have a desire to contribute positively to the development of te reo, or have a personal and/or professional interest in, te reo.  In addition to the acquisition of the language, graduates will have developed theoretical and technical knowledge and skills in te reo and research through the study of a topic of interest.

Graduates will be able to communicate independently in te reo and express ideas and theories in a wide range of familiar, and some less familiar, situations with fluency and flexibility, and will also be able to research te reo related topics.

How you'll study:

This is a full-time programme that consists of 120 credits delivered over 40 weeks. Some of our locations offer different delivery modes. These will be confirmed by your local campus and might include:

Option 1:

  • 2 x 3 hour kura whakaako per week
  • 2 x noho marae (26 hours)
  • 6 x 1-day wānanga (8 hours)

Activity directed learning will also need to be completed outside of class time for approximately:

  • 24.5 hours per week

Option 2:

  • 1 x 3 hour kura whakaako per week
  • 8 x noho marae (26 hours)

Activity directed learning will also need to be completed outside of class time for approximately:

  • 24.5 hours per week

Some of the learning activities will need to be completed online. You’ll need to have access to an internet-connected device for this programme.

Entry criteria

To enrol in this programme, a potential tauira must:

  • be at least 16 years of age
  • be a New Zealand citizen or resident (or citizen of Australia, Tokelau, Niue or the Cook Islands
  • have successfully completed Te Pūtaketanga o te Reo Level 4, or Te Ara Reo Māori (He Pī Ka Rere) Level 4, or an equivalent te reo Māori qualification at Level 4
  • attend an interview or information hui with a kaiako


  • have successfully completed the Pre-Entry Assessment (PEA) – direct entries only
  • attend an interview or information hui with a kaiako

Where will this take me?

I want to keep studying

Immerse yourself in the language through Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi Level 6.

I want to use my qualification

With skills at this level you could provide cultural advice in your workplace or organisation.

Kōnae Ako (Learning Modules):

Hokinga Mahara | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will give tauira the opportunity to revise and refresh their knowledge of Level 4 grammar with the intention of extending on and consolidating relevant grammatical structures in a range of contexts, to develop language skills in written and verbal forms.  

Ngā Āhuatanga o te Reo | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will enable tauira to identify and apply correct grammar using a wide range of grammatical structures and language patterns at an advanced level. 

Kōrero Nehe | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will examine historical events and traditional texts with a particular focus on whakataukī, ngā momo waiata and pakiwaitara. 

Te Taiao | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will give tauira the opportunity to examine and demonstrate understanding of pūrākau in relation to the taiao. 

Te Hekenga o Ngā Waka | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will enable tauira to discuss Te Hekenga o Ngā Waka including reasons behind the migration. Tauira will also examine the various roles and responsibilities of people on board. 

Whakapūrongo | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will give tauira an opportunity to discuss and debate historical or current events and demonstrate knowledge and application of mātauranga Māori research methods. 

Kupu Whakanikoniko | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will focus on identifying and interpreting the use of metaphorical language. Tauira will be given the opportunity to demonstrate appropriate use of kupu whakanikoniko.

Te Marae | 15 Credits

This kōnae ako will enable tauira to identify and articulate the significance of the pōwhiri process. Tauira will also explain significant features of the marae and the roles and responsibilities of key people hosting a hui in a marae setting. 

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