Nāku te kaupapa, māu e tāniko

Papaiōea - Toi exhibition

Janayas Kaitaka

Nāku te kaupapa, māu e tāniko weaves together the works of both past and current students of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Maunga Kura Toi, Bachelor of Māori Arts programme.

The selected works explore and reflect on Te Whare Pora (the house of weaving) through all three disciplines of Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora (Weaving), Whakairo (Carving) and Rauangi (Visual arts).

Reflecting on the parts of a finely woven kākahu (cloak), the title of this exhibition likens the body or ‘kaupapa’ of a kākahu to the foundations set by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in the creation of the Maunga Kura Toi programme.

Like the patterned border of ‘tāniko’, by the achievements of our students who successfully complete the programme. These works not only represent the history of Māori art education within TWoA - they are also an acknowledgement of the ancient knowledge and true beauty found in the the art of weaving.

And most importantly, a celebration of student success.

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