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Pictured: Betty-Lou Iwakau 

Pou Arahi Rangahau, Dr Shireen Maged is pleased to announce the appointments of the rangahau team who will undertake major research projects on behalf of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Shireen was grateful for the capability of the new team with Betty-Lou Iwikau, a PhD graduate, and the remaining five kaimahi all masters graduates, with all either engaged in or about to begin PhD study.
“All the rangahau advisors have completed masters’ degrees so have done research at post graduate level. It was the minimum qualification for our team,” said Shireen.
“We are committed to supporting our whānau to do the highest quality rangahau so we need to have travelled that journey ourselves.”


Te Kei Takiwā Rangahau Advisor Betty-Lou Iwikau

(Pictured above) 

Ko Tainui tōku waka
Ko Maungatautari me Taupiri ōku Maunga
Ko Waihou me Waikato ōku Awa
Ko Pikitu, Ngatira, Tarakena ōku Marae
Ko Ngāti Ahuru, Ngāti Tarakena, Ngāti Tukorehe ōku haapu
Ko Raukura toku Iwi
Ko Betty-Lou Iwikau toku ingoa

Betty-Lou started adult education classes in her late twenties before working in the alcohol and drug field, supporting Māori with addictions.
She began lecturing with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2003.
She completed a Bachelor in Māori Development and a Master of Arts in Māori Development.
Her thesis, Te Toi o Matariki, was based on a personal growth and development model for whānau/families presenting with alcohol and drug abuse.
During this time she became a Māori health service manager, which gave her a wider perspective on the impacts of poor Māori health.
Her doctoral thesis “A Journey for Māori and Gout: Putting Your Best Foot Forward” provided a framework based on a whakapapa paradigm, which she says works in the addiction field.

“I now want to get this framework out into our communities, where it can hopefully do some good,” said Betty.

“I’m contemplating post-doctoral study which will allow me to trial the framework, to analyse the data, review, develop and implement the model.”


Te Waenga Takiwā Rangahau Advisor Shelley Hoani

Pictured: Shelly Hoani

He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Pou, Ngāti Mahuta me Ngāti Mākino, ā, ko Shelley Hoani taku ingoa.

As a child growing up I only wanted three things in life - to be a teacher, to have heaps of children and to drive a Kenworth Logging Truck in the Tokoroa Christmas Parade.  
So far I've achieved two of those dreams, but I've taken the long road to get there.  
I was a 34-year-old beneficiary when I finally began my Primary Teaching degree studies and 38 years old when I got my first full-time, permanent teaching job.  
Ironically (and fortunately) though I moved from Primary to Tertiary education and last month I celebrated my 12th year with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.  
I have new dreams now - to complete my Doctoral studies by 2019, to learn how to grow a maara kai and to have heaps of mokopuna.  
So far I'm on track with my mokopuna and am now enrolled in a Doctorate degree with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.  
Ultimately though I love the noho approach to learning and the notion that learning is a life-long journey.  

Te Kei Rangahau Advisor Helena Ferris

Pictured: Helena Ferris

Ko Takitimu rātau ko Horouta, ko Tainui ōku waka.
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu rātau ko Ngāti Porou, ko Ngāti Raukawa ki Tai, ko Ngāti Māmoe, ko Ngai Tahu, ko Ngāti Kuia, ko Ngāti Koata ōku iwi.

I was raised in Pōrangahau and Hastings, I’m a Ngāti Kahungunu East Coast Māori girl. I grew up on my pā, Rongomaraeroa loving kapa haka, whānau times and wanting te reo Māori.

Home for my whānau is Ōtaki. I have an awesome husband, we have three adorable children and a pā harakeke of nine tamariki and one mokopuna.

For Pakake and I it was important to raise our children in a te reo Māori speaking home, with tikanga and kaupapa Māori as our bedrock.
I have been fortunate to have studied at all three of our Wānanga Māori.
My qualifications include Poupou Karanga, the Diploma, Bachelor and Master of Mātauranga Māori, Diploma of Adult Teaching, Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, and Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts.

My years of rangahau have rewarded me with wonderful experiences and lifetime memories. Highlights include my Masters thesis whereby I produced the Ngāti Kahungunu worldview according to our tribal oriori, Pinepine Te Kura and most recently graduating from Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo.

My future includes the completion of a PhD on Karanga.
I love working for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, my roles have included Academic Advisor, Kaiako Matua and most recently as Kaiārahi Reo.
E hoa mā, what at this time might seem impossible, is doable, one step at a time.
Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata. Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina.


Te Ihu Takiwā Rangahau Advisor Morehu McDonald

Pictured: Morehu McDonald

Morehu is of Tainui descent and belongs to the Ngāti Hinerangi iwi of Matamata and Tauranga Moana; Ngāti Mahuta in Waikato; Ngāti Maniapoto from Mangatoatoa in Te Awamutu and Ngāti Hamua of Ngāti Ruanui in Taranaki. 

He has a Master of Arts (Hons) degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in New Zealand / Māori History.

He has worked as a contract Treaty historian for the Waitangi Tribunal and Crown Forestry Rental Trust as well as a project manager for the Crown Forestry Rental Trust.

Morehu McDonald joined Te Wānanga o Aotearoa as a kaiako in Adult Education in 2012 and before becoming the Rangahau Advisor for Te Ihu Takiwā, was Kaiako Matua of He Korowai Akonga, the Bachelor of Education (Adult Education) and Bachelor of Teaching (Primary Education) at the Mangere campus.

He was a lecturer at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in Auckland for 8 years where he taught te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, te kawa o te marae, New Zealand-Māori history and Hauora Māori.

Morehu also has an extensive background and knowledge in health, communications, public relations, television production and journalism.

He is married with three sons.

Te Waenga Rangahau Advisor Pauline Adams

Pictured: Pauline Adams

Pauline Adams says she is privileged to be engaging with kaimahi from the Waiariki and Whirikoka rohe.
She is of Te Whānau-a-Apanui descent on her mother’s side, and Irish on her father’s.
Pauline lives in Rotorua with her partner Shane Hona, and their one-year old puppy, Duke.
Pauline joined Te Korowai Ākonga in 2011 after a long career teaching with a desire to contribute to the development of high quality teachers in our schools.
Her research background is also in education, with an interest around biculturalism.
Her Masters of Education thesis explored the understanding and practice of biculturalism in the primary classroom.
She is currently engaged in PhD study, investigating identity development  in Māori-Pākehā individuals.
She is a “battered Blues supporter living with a Chiefs loyalist”.
“Having seen the All Blacks play around the world, including at the last three Rugby World Cups, we will be relegated to cheering on the ABs from home this year, as we eagerly await the arrival of our first child, due in December,” she said.

Te Waenga Takiwā Rangahau Advisor Sophronia Smith

Pictured: Sophronia Smith

Ko Moumoukai, Ko Rangitumau ngā maunga
Ko Waitirohia rere ana ki Ngā Nuhaka, Ko Rumahanga ngā awa
Ko Manutai, Ko Hurunui o Rangi ngā marae
Ko Rakaipaaka, Ko Rangitane, Ko Kahungunu ki Wairarapa ngā iwi
Ko Takitimu te Waka
Ko Sophronia Smith ahau

Sophronia says her “mama” Noeline Maata Te Nohorau Naera inspired her passion for research.

“As a young child I recall walking past her room late at night, her light was always on and the old black type writer typed as she meticulously typed hand-written manuscripts and notes about different tipuna onto blank A4 sheets of paper. 

Multiple whakapapa sheets arrayed the walls of the room, and pictures of my tipuna adorned the room. I used to think mama’s study room was spooky – I called it the ‘heeby jeeby room’.”

Sophronia eventually became kaitiaki of the photos and the whānau whakapapa.
While she felt overwhelmed by her new role she believed her mama had prepared her.

“She taught me the importance of asking questions: who, what, when and why.  Her famous saying was “always ask questions”.  I also realised that from a young age she taught me to look behind what appeared on the surface.”

Sophronia has an affinity for topics that explore power, healing, women and politics.

She is especially interested in creative ways to retell stories and is comfortable using the vehicles of composition, waiata and song, documentary and film to do this.  

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Published On: 24 August 2015

Article By: James Ihaka

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