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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • Ngā puna o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa : It’s about the whanau

    An ERO review of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa early learning centres has praised the five puna for the positive outcomes they promote for tamariki and their whānau.

  • Ria takes her passion for music and te reo to a wider audience

    Marae DIY presenter and artist Ria Hall is delighted that the favourite marae makeover show will be broadcast to a wider audience on TV3 in June.

  • Inez offers a helping hand to get a foot on the property ladder

    Inez White was valuing a Rotorua property when a horrible realisation dawned on her.

  • He Waka Hiringa spreads wings to Auckland

    Following on from the success of He Waka Hiringa – the Master of Applied Indigenous knowledge degree in Hamilton, the only master’s programme taught by the wānanga has spread its wings to Tāmaki Makaurau.

  • Art + Activism + Aroha = The River Talks

    Art + Activism + Aroha = The River Talks, an environmental symposium which will see Te Wānanga o Aotearoa tauira representing all three elements at Ruapotaka Marae, Glen Innes next Monday.

  • Weavers' solution for insatiable demand for wahakura

    Te Wānanga o Aotearoa weavers inundated with requests for wahakura have found a solution that may help to satisfy the overwhelming demand for the traditional bassinets.

  • Olympia stage beckons after mum time with the tamariki

    After a gruelling gym and training regime and a constant diet of chicken, fish and broccoli, champion bodybuilder Janna O’Malley could have been forgiven if she wanted to chill out and binge on Netflix with a burger, fries and a coke.

  • 250 competitors to take the start line for Iron Maori

    April 2 was a day of firsts in Te Ihu; Iron Māori for Tamaki, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa as a key sponsor of the event and kaimahi Aaron Henare and Tumatawhero Tihi as competitors.

  • Graduates behind the wire using literacy and numeracy to further education

    The first formal graduates of a Te Wānanga o Aotearoa literacy and numeracy programme are using their newfound reading and writing skills to continue further study

  • Flashest selfie-booth at Polyfest

    TWOA upped the ante at this year’s 41st ASB Polyfest thanks to a custom-designed Waharoa described by many rangatahi as ‘the flashest selfie-booth ever’.

  • DCG the man that walks in both worlds

    Popular Marae DIY TV landscaper David Clayton-Greene is a man who walks comfortably into a boardroom or a marae.

  • Tauira in the deep south embracing te reo Māori like never before

    TWOA business coordinator Arana Collett says the number of tauira enrolled in te reo Māori classes at the Southern Institute of Technology are at their highest levels in more than 10 years.

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