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Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga – Level 5

Media Release – 20 November 2024


Te Wānanga o Aotearoa unveils new programmes to strengthen Māori culture and language.

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is excited to announce the launch of two innovative programmes aimed at preserving and revitalising te reo Māori and nurturing cultural heritage: Te Tohu Reo Rumaki and Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga. Both programmes will be available from early 2025, offering new pathways for learners to deepen their understanding of te ao Māori and contribute to the revitalisation of te reo Māori and cultural guardianship.

Te Tohu Reo Rumaki – Level 5
As a full-time, immersive experience, Te Tohu Reo Rumaki enables learners to reach conversational fluency in te reo Māori. Across 40 weeks, tauira (students) will engage in a wānanga-style environment incorporating classroom, online, and marae-based experiences to provide holistic language learning.

Graduates will develop the skills to converse confidently in te reo Māori, building the foundation to become leaders in the language revitalisation movement within their whānau, communities, and beyond. This programme is ideal for those new to te reo Māori or early in their learning journey, including whānau Māori seeking a deeper connection to their cultural roots and non-Māori wanting to better understand te ao Māori.

“Te Tohu Reo Rumaki is a unique offering that combines intensive language acquisition with a focus on cultural revitalisation. It’s more than just a language programme; it’s a way to embody te reo Māori as a living, vibrant language in Aotearoa,” says Hariru Roa, Project Manager – Programme Development.

Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga – Level 5
Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga focuses on preservation, protection, and management of taonga (Māori cultural treasures). This qualification was co-designed with iwi and subject matter experts and responds to the growing demand for knowledge and skills in cultural heritage management.

Tauira will explore kaupapa Māori approaches to conservation, explore tikanga (customs) related to taonga, and learn practical skills for heritage management in the modern cultural landscape of Aotearoa. This programme is designed for those who wish to contribute meaningfully to the preservation and transmission of Māori heritage, from museum professionals to iwi members and community leaders.

Meeting a Growing Demand for Cultural Competency and Language Skills
The launch of these programmes aligns with a nationwide shift toward greater cultural competency and responsiveness in various sectors. Recent feedback from iwi leaders, stakeholders, and past graduates of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa programmes indicate strong support and demand for qualifications that foster deeper connections with Māori language and culture.

“With these two programmes, we are not only responding to demand but also creating new opportunities for individuals and communities to engage with and uplift te reo Māori and cultural heritage. This is an exciting step in our commitment to providing education that empowers individuals and strengthens communities across Aotearoa,” says Nepia Winiata, Kaiwhakatere – Chief Executive Officer.

Enrolments Open Now
Applications for Te Tohu Reo Rumaki and Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga are now open, with studies commencing in February/March 2025. Those interested are encouraged to visit the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa website for delivery locations, eligibility requirements, application details, and further information on each programme.

Join Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in supporting the revitalisation and protection of te reo Māori and Māori heritage. Kia whakakotahi tātou ki te whakaora i te reo, ki te tiaki i ngā taonga tuku iho.


Note for media:
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is a well-respected and uniquely Māori tertiary education organisation that offers a wide range of educational programmes to students across Aotearoa. One of their main objectives is to promote and preserve the Māori language and culture, and they have been doing this for almost 40 years.

Media Contact:
Advisor Communications & Engagement
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

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Published On: 20 November 2024

Article By: Gemma Bradly-Jacka

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