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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • Disruptive by Nature back for second year

    After a successful first year, Disruptive by Nature - the youth-focussed wānanga which challenges kaimahi to think differently – is on again next month.

  • Couple stick together on language journey

    A Pōrirua couple learning te reo Māori together have come a long way in a relatively short time but say they still have a long way to go.

  • Influence of Aunty Ma in new course

    A new programme being offered in 2018 owes its existence to Aunty Ma, who was part of the discussion around its creation and remains the kaitiaki of the programme.

  • Understanding rangahau

    If you want to understand rangahau, forget about research because it’s not the same thing.

  • LeRoy makes a mint

    As a boy, sculptor LeRoy Transfield used to draw soldiers in his school exercise books.

  • Nadya finds her passion

    For Nadya Rapata her passion for creating pākē or traditional Māori raincoats was probably an accident.

  • Kaiako packs on their way

    Hundreds of personalised resource packs – one for each kaiako employed by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa – are being sent throughout the country help with recruitment efforts.

  • Sparking awareness

    Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is helping one of New Zealand’s biggest corporates build their awareness of te ao Māori.

  • Waka Wānanga set to make a splash in Huntly

    More than 200 waka ama tauira will converge on Huntly this weekend as the sixth Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Waka Wananga is held.

  • 27 Oct, 2017

    Te Mata Wānanga 2017

    Te Mata Wānanga was a closely fought contest this year but Te Puna Mātauranga once again prevailed.

  • Performing arts in prison an awakening of the mind

    Tauira at a womens prison are reconnecting with their taha Māori and further study through a Te Wānanga o Aotearoa performing arts programme.

  • TWoA rebrand design wins major award

    The design team of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa have received major kudos for our rebrand at a glitzy awards evening.

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