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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • Body builders get taste for success

    Looking at buffed Gisborne couple Stacey and Mikaere McBeth it’s hard to believe they used to think nothing of polishing off a bucket of KFC after a day at work.

  • 25 Oct, 2016

    Whānau sticks together through Tū Taua

    Tamariki involvement is at the heart of everything Mark Cassidy and Janey Clark do.

  • 25 Oct, 2016

    Kickboxing kaiako leads by example

    Even when the fish aren’t biting, Tahuri Tibble manages to stay positive.

  • 25 Oct, 2016

    Two titles in two days for coaching kaiako

    Keith Hanley claims to be a coach more by accident than design, but 14 years down the track and he’s showing no sign of slowing down.

  • 25 Oct, 2016

    TWoA to co-host national tertiary hui

    Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is encouraging kaiako to share their best-practice when it co-hosts this year's Tuia Te Ako hui on December 7-8 at its Māngere Campus.

  • Language lessons from Japan

    In 2009 Akiko Maruno enrolled into her first te reo Māori course when she was appointed as a whanau class teacher at Kaipara College.

  • Katie finds her calling

    Ask Eun Kyung Kwak about her time at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and her eyes fill with tears.

  • Freedom and independence

    The day Paula Nuku quit her 20-year job as a Seafood compliance officer, was a Wednesday.

  • 11 Oct, 2016

    Weaving a future

    A Te Wānanga o Aotearoa tauira in the first year of his Maunga Kura Toi (Raranga) degree in Rotorua has taken out a national award for his weaving.

  • 11 Oct, 2016

    Computing opening doors for Ayden

    A young Whakatāne man living with a physical disability has a brighter future after impressing his tutors with his rapidly developing computer skills.

  • 27 Sept, 2016

    Coffee and a kōrero

    An idea to help tauira use te reo Māori in everyday life is giving New Plymouth café customers a shot (or a double shot) at improving their language skills while they enjoy their morning fix.

  • 27 Sept, 2016

    Social services trek to Chile for indigenous education

    An intercultural indigenous exchange has seen Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaimahi visiting two universities in Chile.

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