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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • 22 January, 2021

    New forestry course offered in Tokoroa

    Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in Ashworth St, Tokoroa, is offering up to 20 places on a new NZ Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (establishment and pruning).

  • 20 January, 2021

    Waka ama is about whānau, says Karmen

    The biggest buzz for Karmen Wallace at this year’s waka ama nationals is that a mokopuna has been competing in the midgets’ section, making them the third generation of her family to take part.

  • 20 January, 2021

    Be wise and sanitise at waka ama champs

    Combatting the potential spread of COVID-19 has been front and centre at this week’s Te Wānanga o Aotearoa National Waka Ama Sprint Championships at Karapiro.

  • 19 January, 2021

    Sarah gets cooking in Kaitaia

    What started out as a simple idea to make a little extra cash selling donuts at the market has turned into a successful foodtruck venture for Kaitaia couple Sarah and Tokoa Aumata.

  • 19 January, 2021

    Fine dining for volunteers

    Volunteers at the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa national waka ama sprint champs at Lake Karāpiro work hard for long hours but are always assured of a decent feed thanks to the tireless work of Hone Mutu and his team.

  • 19 January, 2021

    Local club tastes early success at waka ama

    A fledgling waka ama club formed on the shores of Lake Karāpiro just three years ago has picked up its first ever medal at the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa national waka ama sprint champs.

  • 26 November, 2020

    New community outreach approach to Rongoā in Rotorua

    A new “community outreach” approach is being taken to teaching Rongoā (traditional Māori healing) in Rotorua.

  • 19 November, 2020

    Raranga and whatu provide deep rewards

    Besides producing work of great beauty, raranga and whatu offer a way to connect with tīpuna and to one's inner self, as well as providing spiritual healing, say kaiako and tauira involved in a community exhibition in Te Kūiti.

  • 19 November, 2020

    Sponsorship to help grow Waka Ama in lower North Island

    A new event sponsorship for lower North Island waka ama events scheduled for the next two weekends will help contribute to growing the number of people involved in the sport.

  • 17 November, 2020

    Te reo o te Pākehā taha rua - the voice of a Pākehā of two sides

    Fluent te reo speaker James Barnes straddles the Māori and Pākehā worlds, as well as the shared space between, armed with well-honed skills developed from a rare set of experiences for a Pākehā.

  • 17 November, 2020

    Sounds of healing and connection

    Keil Caskey has been moulding a new generation of traditional Māori musical instruments by using uku (clay) to create them.

  • 16 November, 2020

    Combing out the power of addiction

    A tactile traditional taonga which combines a healing cultural narrative with the latest hi-tech techniques is showing strong promise in helping Māori wāhine to empower themselves, tackle harmful habits and stay smoke free while hapū (pregnant).

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