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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • 03 May 2021

    Tikanga - A window into te ao Māori

    Te Whāinga o Te Ao Tikanga offers people a window “to look in to Te Ao Māori” (The Māori World). The 20-week programme is open to anyone wanting the tools to not only better engage with tangata whenua (people of the land) but to understand the makeup of the community they work and live in.

  • 22 April 2021

    Adult teaching not just for teachers

    When it comes to teaching, Sheryl Waru knows more than most, and there’s nothing she loves more than passing on her knowledge to others.

  • 20 April 2021

    Conquering the internet with Kanorau Digital

    Lisa Graham rarely used the internet not only because she didn’t know the basics of how to use a computer or to get around the web but she was also afraid of being scammed online.

  • 16 April 2021

    Lyn gets grounded through rongoā

    Last year Lyn completed the Level 4 Certificate in Rongoā programme at the new Te Wānanga o Aotearoa campus in New Plymouth and says she became a changed person.

  • 14 April 2021

    Weaving communities together through raranga

    Talei (Te Whānau a Takimoana) is immersed in her Ngāti Porou roots where she teaches raranga (Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Art) through Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

  • 12 April 2021

    Learning te reo Māori never stops

    When Dave Coyne was a kid, he knew when the adults were talking about something serious. So he spent a year on a training course immersed in te reo Māori and learning more about te Ao Māori.

  • 8 April 2021

    Tikanga teaches valuable skills

    Learning te reo Māori has led to Whananaki mum Krystal Worters to expand her knowledge of te Ao Māori even further. She’s just completed an introductory programme to learn more about tikanga Māori.

  • 06 April 2021

    Business programme brings benefits

    Donna Chamberlain hoped to brush up on her leadership skills this year but got more than she hoped for after enrolling at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

  • 31 March 2021

    Community focus follows career change

    After a successful engineering career Hari Rakena-Roberts was looking for a change which would bring more benefits to his community, and having that community thrust into the national spotlight gave him the final push he needed.

  • 29 March 2021

    Lynda reaps the benefits from business courses

    Lynda operates Lynda’s Log House, a guest house in the hills around Kaitaia, and enrolled in the Level 4 Certificate in Small Business and Project Management programme to help her understand more about successfully running a business.

  • 18 March 2021

    An artform woven into our culture

    Without raranga we wouldn’t have been able to clothe ourselves, have whāriki to sleep on or the baskets we need to carry or serve our kai in.

  • 11 March 2021

    Money management for financial fitness

    Most of us don’t learn the financial skills we need at school. The Certificate in Money Management gives you the tools to navigate to financial success.

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